



The scar as a dimple

Tolstoy said: "a happy family is always similar, while unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Unfortunately this cannot compare HKUE ENG, each family has its own sorrow. In today's reality, you put the sadness said out, is nowhere.

"Needle less than you, you will not feel pain."

Stark said to others see, hope to get aid, like already scabby bandaged wound, then divide the bandage, let others see, beg for free treatment. At that moment, we endure misery and struggle, has been maligned by the sky stories of risks, the bandage, the half that tried to seize by free treatment of hope culturelle.

Won't water fall into the water, will only blind, much is one half effort to catch the hope of survival. To live! To live! To give up everything has nothing to do with the living. Grace, shame on you...

Someone asked: "what do you think to write affectation cute?"

We disclose their wounds, don't let others go to the authenticity, not deliberately to move people. Unfortunately, this is just their own people not feel sorrow culturelle.

Bitterness and happiness is private ownership

"Don't want to let you see my face, unless, that is, give it to me at the same time also can give me dignity."


No Name Ninja